Friday, March 12, 2010


It is important to note that a positive thought is 100 times stronger than a negative one, so don’t go stressing about all those negative thoughts you have been harboring, just read on and commit to change, if you really want to transform your life. One of the ways to easily change your thought patterns is by being aware of how you feel. Our thoughts create our feelings, so , when we feel negative; angry, resentful, jealous, etc that’s the trigger for you to decide to change! Choose a positive present tense statement. My all time favorite is “All is well in my world” Simply repeat this over & over, put real feeling into this new thought, choose to feel good! Really it’s that simple; the next time you catch yourself worrying or thinking negatively about something, just calmly take a step back & decide to think about the situation differently. With the knowledge that you can choose your thoughts, repeat a positive, present tense thought in place of the negative one. By doing this you are also attracting to you positive situations. Remember thoughts are energy & like attracts like……

1 comment:

  1. its nice story for people to achive its goal...

